Cold Fire - Tamora Pierce I didn't enjoy this book as much as the others in the series. I just couldn't connect with Daja and her plight. I also didn't like the whiney girls Niamara and Jorality who spent most of the book complaining about something or other.

In the second series concerning Sandry, Tris, Briar and Daja, each book features one of the four coming upon a non-discovered magical person and then having to train them or find them a teacher. These four are no more than 14 or 15 themselves, training 12-13 year olds. It just seems weird and it's not as good a story as their own training. This is the third book in the second series and I'm not sure I will be reading the last as all the books in this set seem to be the same story told from a different set of eyes. It's too much like rereading the first book again and again.