Changing The Game (Play By Play, #2)

Changing the Game - Jaci Burton Going in, I hated Elizabeth. She was such a bitch but then again, a woman in her profession has to be a hard-ass. Her treatment of Mick was shameful but she atoned for that and it was explained by her vulnerability which helped alleviate some of my animosity towards her. And I just loved Gavin. He was your typical sports guy just trying to get laid until the "right one" came under his radar.

I enjoyed this book though I like my sex with some plot behind it. But then again, Ms. Burton writes straight up erotica so quite honestly we're lucky there was a plot at all. The plot could have been expanded and this really could have been a spectacular book but it was not to be. It is erotica after all and most who read erotica just want the sex scenes. After awhile, I find myself skipping them since they become repetitive but that didn't detract from this story. I'm seriously looking forward to Jenna's story with the scrumptious Tyler. I have a feeling she's going to fight the attraction way more than he is and boy won't that be a switch!