Voice Of Crow (Aspect of Crow Trilogy) - Jeri Smith-Ready In my younger years, everything Native American fascinated me. I had Native American art and sculptures all over the place. I read anything about Native Americans. Heck I even had a coffee table book devoted to Native Americans. And I read more romances with Native American heroes than even I can believe (now of course, they hold no appeal at all). Hmmm how times change.

Anyway, I liked this installment more than the first. I think it's because of the changing POVs. Though Rhia and Marek play an important role in this story, they aren't the main focus. That belongs to Filip and Alanka. I really enjoyed their courtship and the visible growth of both characters throughout the story. There were also POVs from other characters as well which greatly enhanced the reading experience. This book was heart-breaking for everyone but especially Rhia and Marek.

I particularly like the Native American-like spirit animals mixed with mythology and the world building is spectacular though it does take some getting used to. I will definitely be reading the conclusion to see how (if) the Spirits prevail over the Gods and how these various tribes overcome their differences and combine to fight a common enemy.