Tiger Paw

"At the far end of the approach road leading into the estate, a dark shadow wound through the woods like a giant sleeping serpent - a thirteen foot high wall that ran around the entire one hundred acre property."
From this statement, I immediately envisioned something like the Great Wall of China encircling a huge fortress-like estate. The entire book was written with such great imagery that you found yourself inside the action - seeing, feeling, knowing everything that was going on first hand.
Basically this story was about using Wall Street and uninformed stock traders to fill the pockets and portfolios of billionaires with ill-gotten gains. The corruption of said billionaires is what got them killed. Forrester's investigation into various deaths lead him from Wall Street to Hindu mysticism to religious fanaticism to flat-out evil. I enjoyed the twists and turns and mostly the many surprises. Usually when you read a thriller, you can easily suspect who the culprit is but with Tiger Paw, that wasn't the case. There were just too many plots, some important and others red herrings. There were too many shady characters and too many perfect characters. I figured out who one of the baddies was (though I didn't get the reasoning correct) but totally missed on the other.
I look forward to reading more from this indie author.