There are two kinds of women in the world - those you screwed and those you married. It wasn't a rule he'd made up. It was simply how it was. Some women were best at raising children, keeping a presentable home and life in order. Others were best on their backs, offering pleasure, and taking it like the good little sluts that they were. They were two separate breeds. If a woman possessed one of those qualities, she sure as hell didn't possess the other.
So right off the bat I'm offended and highly doubt I will be reading further. However, this is only the prologue and it is the sexual serial killer's thinking not the hero or heroine. Though I must admit that even when the hero (big FBI guy) enters the picture, his thoughts about the heroine (the one sexually abused for 5 years in the prologue) are majorly offensive. He knows her back story and still he's hitting on her, saying objectionable things and thinking obscene thoughts. It really turns me off and I feel that this is going to be one of those books where the hero has to grow on you but it will probably take most of the book.
ETA: Grace Jordan lived as a slave for five years before she killed the sexual sadist holding her and her daughter hostage. Now she's a police lieutenant working a nasty serial killer case in South Dakota. After being abused for so long, Grace has no desire for male company until hunky FBI agent Justin Reece enters the picture. Now she is having strange feelings for him as well as trepidation since she has vowed to never allow another man to subjugate her again. Justin has investigated Grace and knows exactly what happened to her and yet he still pushes himself at her and he's a dominate alpha male. Grace doesn't know whether to be offended, scared or just enjoy the attention. When the serial rapist suddenly targets Grace, Justin kicks up the protection detail and calls in more FBI agents.
This book is definitely not for the feint of heart. Brutal rapes and disgusting murders abound. Beware this book will make your skin crawl and your gorge rise. Although shocking and very disturbing, I enjoyed the writing style and Grace's character and yes, eventually Justin's too. As I thought, he certainly does grow on you. This is one book that I've read within the last year that actually did keep me on the edge of my seat through most of it.