Assistant District Attorney Gloryanne Barnes comes from a troubled past. She was abused by her mother which resulted in a permanent limp and sexually tortured by her foster brothers. She is terrified of men and strangers in general. When she witnesses something that could potentially put a dangerous drug smuggler in jail for life, her life is threatened and her boss insists she retreats to her former home and hide until the trial starts. Unbeknownst to her, a secret DEA sting operation is taking place in Jacobsville and the agent, Rodrigo Ramirez is already in residence. He's a surly jerk who has nothing but contempt for Glory. She immediately finds him attractive and goes on the snarly defense of herself and her right to be there. Rodrigo wants nothing to do with Glory and actively ignores her. When suddenly at the harvest festival he asks her to dance and kisses her on the dance floor. Even knowing that Rodrigo is in love with another woman, Glory is instantly smitten and loosing her head, sleeps with him. Having never been in this situation, Glory has no defense against his seduction though you would think that with her background, that she would be terrified and fight him (even a little), nope not so, she just lays back and lets him take control.
I was ok with the story up until this point which IMHO was improbable and highly unlikely. The next thing you know, Rodrigo is ignoring her again and bad-mouthing her to the help which Glory overhears. To me this isn't romantic and her second capitulation just disgusted me. Have some pride already! At this point I lost all respect for Glory and lost interest in this story. I actually had to force myself to finish the book and honestly if it hadn't been a challenge book, I would have stopped right then and there. He sort of redeems himself in the end but it doesn't excuse his behavior and I can't see a terrified virgin just being ok with the entire situation.