Arthur Penhaligan, a normal person in the 7th grade, was somehow selected to become the rightful heir to the Keys to the Kingdom (a universe adjacent to Earth that can be accessed through a monstrous house that only Arthur can see). And this is book two of his adventures outsmarting the Morrow days (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, etc), each one has control on the day of his name. For example on Monday, Arthur had to deal with and defeat Mister Monday. On Tuesday it is Grim Tuesday and on Wednesday it will be Lady Wednesday. This is a cleverly written tongue in cheek kind of story that actually teaches morality to some degree. Arthur is set by The Will to correct the wrongs done by the Morrow days. The Morrow days aren't really evil but they have been corrupted by greed and the powers they have acquired. Grim Tuesday is a treasure hoarder and has become a slaver in the hopes of gaining more treasures. Arthur is appalled and vows to set the slaves free once he becomes keeper of the second key. Arthur and his ally Suzy Turquoise Blue spend their time in the house trying to get to the treasure tower and find the snippet of The Will that will bestow ownership of the Key to Arthur. You must keep in mind that Arthur doesn't want to be keeper of the keys to the kingdom, he just wants to return to his normal life but the House and it's denizens just won't allow that since he is already Lord Monday and the responsibility of the Lower House falls squarely on his shoulders. The other Morrow days sense disaster in the making and want to wrest control from Arthur's rather human hands. I find this really entertaining and it's fun to read about Arthur (and Suzy's) adventures and the defeat of the arrogant Morrow days.