Dealing with Dragons  - Patricia C. Wrede, Trina Schart Hyman Unconventional Princess Cimorene doesn't fit the Princess stereotype. Definitely a hands-on kinda gal who likes to fence, cook and translate Latin verbs (?) - very un-princess-like behavior. When the King decrees she marry an unsuitable (read lame-ass) prince, she rebels and takes off for parts unknown. Enter the dragons who need a princess to - surprisingly enough - cook and congugate Latin verbs...go figure! This works out well for all concerned until the knights start arriving to rescue Cimorene who most assuredly does not want to be rescued.

Not quite a young adult novel, more like early teens, but cute and enjoyable nonetheless. I really liked Cimorene and her friend Princess Alianora. And, of course, her dragon, Kazul. I liked it so much I went to the library on my way home and picked up book 2 - Searching for Dragons.