Bridge of Dreams (Ephemera, #3)

I had problems with Lee's jealously over his sisters happiness at finding a man and supplanting Lee (or so he thinks) in her affections. For some reason her darkness really throws him for a loop which is strange since they are both from the same Dark and Light parents so if she has Dark, why doesn't he realize that he does as well? In this particular world, your emotions and feelings decide where you reside so it wasn't strange to find Lee in Vision where darkness was taking over.
I really liked Zhahar, Sholeh and Zeela and enjoyed their path to maturity. On the other hand, their mother, ugh, what can I say.
This story was definitely out there and something I had never experienced before in my limited fantasy readings. This is a world that I would definitely return to and follow Lee, Glorianna and Sebastian's exploits against the Dark Guides. I was under the impression that this was the conclusion to the Ephemera series but it didn't end that way so here's hoping for another installment.