Someone Like You - Roald Dahl I'm absolutely mystified at the high ratings for this book. I only picked it up to complete a challenge what a mistake. Well I'm not a fan of short stories but I have read and enjoyed many shorts over the years but this was definitely not one of the finer ones. I will say that the stories were well-written but the conclusions were disappointing. The endings just fizzled out and left it up to the reader to determine what really happened. If I wanted to determine the ending, I'd write my own darn novel.

All in all I liked the outside of the book better than anything on the inside. Even though the cover was incorrect (it was the pinky finger not the ring finger). Most of the stories were 1-2 stars at best though there were a few I liked (regardless of the crappy ending) Lamb to the Slaughter, Dip in the Pool, Skin, Poison, The Sound Machine and The Great Automatic Grammatisator. The others were seemingly pointless.