She'll Never Tell (Zebra Romantic Suspense)

She'll Never Tell - Hunter Morgan I usually like Morgan Hunter's books but this one is really boring and takes forever to draw you into the story. You don't even get a chance to know Marcy before the accident, except to know that she is fat, her teenage daughter is embarrassed to be seen with her and she's having marital problems. There is no connection to any of the characters and they are all one dimensional. Except Claire, the Chief of Police, who is investigating the Bloodsucker, a serial killer targeting blond women.

Since this is the first book in a trilogy, I must assume that Claire is actually the main character since the serial killer works throughout the three books. This is actually a good thing because if the remaining books centered around Marcy and her family, I would not be reading them. With Claire as the main character, they should be okay.

After about 150 pages, I finally got hooked and had to see who the serial killer was and how Marcy was going to adjust to her new face and deal with her husband. The book redeemed itself a little (3 stars instead of 2) with the ending but it was tough getting there.