Lover Mine - J.R. Ward This is a fantastic book. After all the hype about John Matthew and Xhex, I was expecting to be let down a little. J.R. Ward is a fabulous author and her BDB is my all time favorite series but this was JM and Xhex. I was so glad that this book kept to her standards and though heartbreaking as hell it provided the necessary ups and downs and surprises. What happened to Xhex was beyond horrible and I actually had to keep putting this book down because I just couldn't handle it. I honestly don't know how John Matthew stood it and kept his shit together. To have this strong female totally annihilated by the enemy was just too much.

A great romance must have something to shake the hero and heroine up and show them what life would be like without the other. And as hard as it was to read Xhex's story, this certainly provided the push needed for JM to get his HEA. And of course, J.R. Ward didn't make it easy on us the reader or on JM and Xhex.

I particularly liked the Quinn/Blay storyline. Wasn't it nice for once that it was Quinn jonesing for Blay and not the other way around. I hated him with Saxton but that relationship was definitely required to get Quinn's head in the game. What a perfect setup for their book!