Merlin's Legacy #01: Daughter Of Fire

Merlin's Legacy #01: Daughter Of Fire - Quinn Taylor Evans A typical Norman/Saxon start to the story. The Norman's overcome the Saxon's in battle and immediately show their dominance by terrorizing and killing the villagers. They are brutal with no regard to age (they kill the youngest to the oldest) or religious buildings (the abbey is completely trashed). Rorke FitzWarren is a brutal warrior and even have the nerve to capture a healer (Vivian) and threaten her people if she doesn't heal the new king of England. Of course, she falls madly in love with him and vice versa. What is it with these medieval women who fall victim to their conquerors? I guess survival makes you don't strange things. Rorke has a bad childhood and cannot love anyone...until he finds Vivian. And Vivian is basically cloistered at the Abbey and is virgin and knows no better. Even with all the cliches, it was a great book. I especially liked the link to Merlin, Vivian is his daughter you know and 500 years old. Gotta love it.